Gross Jobs
is here to help us all weed through the torrent of spam jobs out there.
We want all the great jobs that are gross, dirty, nasty, icky, sweaty, foul, filthy, grimy, and just super disgusting. So that people who are looking for good jobs can find your posts, instead of a million of ghost jobs.
That's why we limit job posts to 60 days. Stale jobs and unresponsive employers just wast everyone's time and energy.
Related industry jobs are welcome to post too. Like if you make hazmat suits, you're good.
$5 to post a job.
Yes, Gross Jobs might be a funny name and we’re rolling with laughter at all the crass poop jokes. But we are 100% serious about good jobs and good pay for people working hard.
Gross jobs is the central location for people with a strong constitution, that truly can do work that others simply can’t stomach. When your job deals with poop, blood, creepy crawly things, icky sewer plumbing, animal cleanup and grooming (dog groomers know what I’m talking about), hard labor covered in dirt & grime, and all the other sweaty and gross things to do, Gross Jobs is the place for you. To post jobs and to search for jobs that are a perfect fit for you.
We’ve done hard work (and comparatively easy work), we’ve dug trenches, and cleaned putrid messes. So we understand gross work. There’s this saying going around claiming no one want’s to work anymore. But we think lots of people want to work and work hard, if they are getting paid a reasonable wage for that job. Gross Jobs is here to help facilitate finding those good jobs that are actually paying well.
If you are easily grossed out, offended, or have a weak constitution for job descriptions that might include sweaty hard work, bodily fluids, garbage, bugs, or any other things that could be considered gross. This is not the place for you.
Not gross enough for gross jobs?
Head over to TEEEAM for all your other job posting needs.